Sentiment on Twitter

R/GA Innovation Group Presentation


There is a growing abundance of unstructured data and obvious limitations in out of the box platforms we use to acquire and analyze data. There is a continously growing need to perform more timely and in-depth analysis to maximize potential insight. Achieving this requires larger datasets and a deeper understanding of how current tools technically function to conduct natural language processing and other analysis.


  • Access: Write to access Twitters streaming API
  • Storing: Setup a MySQL database on our vmsf-analytics-001 server to store tweets
  • Analyzing: Quering the database as well as use NLP to find sentiment


  • Storing the desired data in a continous fashion
  • Are unwanted tweets streaming in because of vague keywords, is the script timing out, etc?

  • Assigning the author's intended meaning to language
  • A linguistics professor was lecturing to her class one day. "In English," she said, "A double negative forms a positive. In some languages, though, such as Russian, a double negative is still a negative. However, there is no language wherein a double positive can form a negative."
    A voice from the back of the room piped up, "Yeah . . .right."

Overview of Work

Stream Tweets Into Our Database

import time
import json
from getpass import getpass
import tweepy
import MySQLdb
import unicodedata, re
from guess_language import guess_language
from datetime import datetime

all_chars = (unichr(i) for i in xrange(0x110000))
control_chars = ''.join(map(unichr, range(0,32) + range(127,160)))
control_char_re = re.compile('[%s]' % re.escape(control_chars))

class StreamListener(tweepy.StreamListener):

    def remove_control_chars(self,s):
        return control_char_re.sub('',s)

    def on_status(self, status):
        db = MySQLdb.connect("localhost", "root", "password1", "twitdump")    
        coord = ''
        if status.coordinates != None:
            coord = status.coordinates['coordinates']

        cursor = db.cursor()
            cleantweet = self.remove_control_chars(status.text)
            cleantweet = cleantweet.encode('latin-1', 'replace')
            language = guess_language(cleantweet)
            #print 'TWEET[' + status.id_str + '] ' + cleantweet
            #print 'about to insert... '
            cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO tweets(status_id, tweet, created_at, retweet_count, coordinates, status_count, favorite_count, listed_count, utc_offset, description, location, followers_count, screen_name, friends_count, timezone, language) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""",
                           (status.id_str, cleantweet, status.created_at,
                            status.retweet_count, coord, status.user.statuses_count,
                            status.user.favourites_count, status.user.listed_count,
                            status.user.utc_offset, status.user.description,
                            status.user.location, status.user.followers_count,
                  , status.user.friends_count, status.user.time_zone, language))

            #print 'entity is is: ' + status.id_str
            for tag in status.entities['hashtags']:
                #print 'tag: ' + tag['text']
                cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO hashtags(status_id, hashtag) VALUES (%s, %s)""",
                               (status.id_str, tag['text'])) 

            for urlitem in status.entities['urls']:

                #print 'urls: ' + urlitem['expanded_url']
                #print 'shorturl: ' + urlitem['url']
                fullurl = urlitem['expanded_url']
                if len(fullurl) > 255:
                    fullurl = fullurl[0:255]
                cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO urls(status_id, fullurl, url) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)""",
                               (status.id_str, fullurl, urlitem['url']))  

        except Exception, e:
            now =
            print 'exception [' + now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') + '] ' + str(e)

    def on_error(self, status_code):
        print 'Error code = %s' % status_code
        return True

    def on_timeout(self):
        print 'timed out.....'

if __name__ == "__main__":
    consumer_key = 'NoJ5J9Ky2gCNZSidtYAExg'
    consumer_secret = 'Qp98zFS1oveq3QtLr7H4zwB43xpeF9zH4GI5qStDU'
    access_key = '449837385-HIhvUsYF5S6Eo3xpR3wE3Kr3bReiPqBJqU7tQ54'
    access_secret = '5hJvmy3WRKky91Uv7BpQEOYWBOkjZlEe4LLFAoG0ec'
    auth1 = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
    auth1.set_access_token(access_key, access_secret)
    api = tweepy.API(auth1)
    l = StreamListener()
    print 'about to stream'
    stream = tweepy.Stream(auth1, l)
    setTerms = ['windows8', 'windows 8', 'win 8', 'win8', 'surface tablet', 'microsoft surface','samsung', 'apple', 'kindle', 'galaxy', 'nexus', 'ipad', 'iphone', 'mac', 'osx','iOS']

Tweets streamed successfully from the evening of 11/30 to the morning of 12/2

Populated MySQL Database


Total Number of Tweets


In 36 hours accumulated roughly 1.5MM

Have many more dimensions of data to work with for each tweet

Followers count, listed count, retweet count, favorite count, coordinates, created at, status count, friends count, language

Access to exponentially more tweets

1.5 MM compared to 2K

Initial Analysis

  • Queried top hashtags and urls from database created
  • Created quick script to find most common words used

Most Frequent Words/Tokens

  1. "t": 1027618, "co": 978722, "http": 966054
  2. "I": 480836
  3. "gameinsight": 394655
  4. "ipad": 303044
  5. "ipadgames": 28619
  6. "the": 277413
  7. "RT": 277399
  8. "iPhone": 250838
  9. "ve": 236329
  10. "to": 191698
  11. "iphone": 180564
  12. "for": 176334
  13. "gold": 171363
  14. "coins": 170985
  15. "collected": 170964

Top Hashtags

  1. gameinsight: 410035
  2. ipad: 326199
  3. ipadgames: 309637
  4. iPhone: 141926
  5. iphonegames: 112650
  6. kindle: 12992
  7. apple: 12434
  8. CSRRacing: 11781
  9. Christmas: 6114
  10. MAC: 5875
  11. deals: 5472
  12. Galaxy: 5233
  13. QuizTablet: 4734
  14. MLSCup: 4609
  15. app: 4466

Top Urls

  1. 183501
  2. 55123
  3. 45561
  4. 25391
  5. 19441
  6. 18782
  7. 17192
  8. 10001
  9. 7634
  10. 6556
  11. 5556
  12. 5109
  13. 5057
  14. 4281

Example of Tribez tweets


Tweets by hour


Tweets by hour


Challenges with Data

Keywords must be carefully considered and chosen

Ex. Galaxy were playing for MLS Cup,'win 8' very common during football season, etc

All parts of keywords are searched for

Ex. During football season 'win 8' returns a lot of tweets such as, "We are going to win our 8 game this season" or, "Great article, this guy is a winner in the literary field:"

Sentiment Analysis

  • Goal is to assign sentiment to each tweet in the database
  • First used a much smaller hypothetical dataset
  • Was very interesting to see the process determining sentiment and recreating it in python

Pieces needed to determine sentiment

  • Large training dataset; very important
  • List of stopwords
  • Tweets to be analyzed
  • Script we wrote

Results with simple data and training set


Process of assigning sentiment


Challenges with Sentiment

Accuracy depends entirely upon sentiment training set

Can cater training set to your business to be very accurate.
Or could have very inaccurate results

#1 Article on Hacker News yesterday

...even then they'd need a team of good NLP people to make it happen, not me explaining ML to their engineers on the board a few hours a week. Useable fine-grained sentiment analysis is not going to be solved as a side project.


  • By creating a database, have access to much larger dataset with many more fields
  • CH does this well, but does not give us access to it. We run into issues such as sure it does not time out, manual upkeep, etc

    This can particularly be good for specefic launches or events

  • This more time consuming method can lead to a much better understanding of Crimson Hexagons overall process
  • Assigning sentiment depends completely on the training set used
  • My personal takeaway is the combination of using Crimson Hexagon for it's strengths along with creating a database of streamed tweets is what I would recommend

Future work

  • Find large enough training corpuses for different categories/industries of keywords
  • Reach
  • Can use fields obtained such as followers count, listed count, retweet count, favorite count, friends count to find both impressions and quality of tweet to find overall reach

  • Gender
  • Would be difficult but very beneficial if used NLP to find individual tweets gender

CH: Total Number of Tweets


CH: Positive/Negative Tweets


CH: Gender Breakdown
